Never let a good crisis go to waste. – Rahm Emanuel
It’s been a couple of days since the Connecticut tragedy and, as usual after such a horrific event, I must interject some truth and common sense. First off, to all of you in the Newtown area, know that we are with you in spirit. We pray for you to be able to work through all of this, by the grace of God. We pray you will look to Him for whatever answers and comfort you need . . . not look to any harmful or false answers. It is heartbreaking and we wish you the best as you try to pick up the pieces.
Being that I have no spouse or children, I can’t quite identify with the level of pain that the good folks in CT are dealing with. It is impossible for me to have the same depth of empathy as those who are parents. So, please understand that I empathize and hurt for everyone up there, but I can’t even begin to know what they are experiencing. My focus in this column is not to dig into the lives of the people up there or try to understand the mind of the killer. Today, I want to provide some perspective and address the absolute irresponsibility and politicizing by this administration as well as the sheer idiocy of the left and the complicit media.
We all know that the left criticizes conservatives and accuses us of knee-jerk reactions and politicizing such atrocities. It is, in fact, the left that does this. As usual, they will do exactly what they accuse conservatives of doing and tell their mindless, sheepish followers what they should say . . . and the stupid sheep follow. Within hours – I think it was about 4.5 hours – of last Friday’s shooting, dictator obama was on tv telling everyone how “inaction” was not an option and that he would take “meaningful actions” to make sure that this kind of thing no longer happens. Before that even occurred, the idiots at MSNBC were already clamoring for massive gun control laws and gun bans. Last night, when I just wanted to watch a little bit of Sunday Night Football, mr. dictator was on tv, again, whining again, on the need for gun control, though he never used that actual term. He, also, put the emphasis on the collective raising our children rather than mentioning any type of individual responsibility, or freedom for that matter.
As much as it seems necessary, I don’t want to beat you down with the exact same thing I have stated before. If you want to know what the founders intended regarding the 2nd amendment, as well as how Britain fares after banning guns, read this past entry. If you want to know more of what I previously said on the subject, check this one out. For today, I’ll keep it a little more simple and take it another direction.
First off, what makes a criminal a criminal? The thing that gives a criminal such a label is the breaking of the law. That is it. So, if criminals are the ones committing violent crimes, what good can it possibly do to pass all kinds of anti-gun legislation? It won’t make one ounce of difference! Well, no it will, too. It will make violent massacres and crimes that much easier because law-abiding citizens will not be able to defend themselves from such dirtbags. Forgive me for any liberals reading this, but I must use facts . . . those pesky things that you ignore: where there are more restrictive gun laws, crime is higher than where the citizens are able to defend themselves. Look at Detroit, D.C., Chicago . . . for crying out loud, look at “gun-free zones” such as schools and any other establishment that prohibits anyone having a firearm on them. That doesn’t do anything except make law-abiding citizens a free buffet to the always armed criminal. Also, for more facts and things to read up on, check out this article from Breitbart.
Another question, if I were sitting next to someone in a room, stood up, picked up my chair and bludgeoned them to death, what would your reaction be? Is it possible that the chair did it? Is there any chance that the chair was evil and caused me to stand up and commit that act? NO, it is NOT possible and I’m sure that anyone . . . even a liberal . . . would blame ME, not the chair. The blame would be all on me for being a violent or crazed lunatic who took an innocent person’s life. If it’s not the chair’s fault in my illustration, why does the left insist on mindlessly blaming an inanimate object in “gun crimes.” A gun is just as much a tool as a chair, or any other object one might use to inflict harm on someone else. Since the left is so convinced that no crime would exist if guns were taken away, I wonder if it matters that the same day this school shooting happened, 22 elementary students in China were injured by a crazy man with a knife. Strangely enough, no one blames the knife or calls for “knife control” or to ban such things.
We do not have a “gun culture” as some misinformed idiots suggest. We have an evil culture. Evil is real. Evil exists and is prevalent in our culture. You can never legislate against evil. That is a moral issue . . . a spiritual issue. No legislation will help, but will undoubtedly make law-abiding citizens in harm’s way of a violent lunatic more probable. So, how do we fix evil? The heart of the citizenry must change. We must return to our foundation and return to God. Bigger government and more legislation NEVER works and that is a proven fact.
We live in a society, now, that has chosen to kick God out of everything. This culture no longer teaches kids right from wrong. Rather, kids are taught that everything is ok, as long as you don’t hurt other people. There is no absolute truth or right or wrong. Kids are wussified into thinking that everybody deserves a prize . . . . even if you’re the slowest person in the race, you’re still treated like you won the race when we all know you didn’t. That has softened people and, I believe, helped foster the overwhelming sense of entitlement we see today. People are so fragile, with no foundation of Truth and no sense of right and wrong. Personal responsibility is not taught, but rather, blaming everything and everyone around oneself. Here’s a fact: every crime is the responsibility of the criminal that does it, not the object or tools used to commit it.
Speaking of responsibility, have you ever noticed that in every crime committed with a gun, the gun is blamed. However, when a law-abiding-citizen stops a criminal with a gun, it is the person that is heralded as the hero . . . not the gun. So, how can an inanimate object be the evil cause of violence in one instance, but merely an inanimate object in another? That’s asinine and the left knows it. I believe that this whole “gun control” charade has nothing to do with actual stopping crimes (since it has proven to fail every time . . . kind of like every other Marxist idea throughout history). I believe, however, it has been part of this administration’s agenda to disarm America and weaken us to make us into a socialist nation. Don’t fall for it, America! It’s bullcrap of the highest order. Don’t be quick to give up freedom for something that the government cannot give . . . safety. We protect ourselves. If you choose to discuss things with your enemy rather than use a gun, that is your decision. More power to you. I choose to be evenly matched. Nothing will change until we get back to God and have a standard of Truth, understanding right and wrong and teaching such things to our kids.
I guarantee this will fix a lot of the problem. Violence will still happen because evil does exist. However, I truly believe we will see a change in the heart of our nation if we return to Truth, a standard of morality, and an understanding of right and wrong.