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Stop Gun Ignorance!


It seems everyone continues talking about “gun control.”  So, I’ll add some more thoughts and a personal story to the mix.  For all of you who have followed U.R., you know I am pro gun.  For me, “gun control” is basically shot placement.  It’s about shooting a tight grouping.  For liberals, “gun control” means stripping away people’s right to defend themselves against the always armed criminals and giving criminals free reign.  What this type of non-sense does is make citizens subjects . . . subject to the government that wants to disarm them and subject to the merciless criminal one may encounter at any time.  I don’t know about you, but I consider myself a citizen, not a subject, of the United States of America and am not subject to anyone but God.  To paraphrase Ted Nugent, I do not need a document or anybody to tell me when, where, and how I can protect my own right to live.  The government doesn’t defend me from dirtbags.  I defend myself.  And that’s how it will remain.


As the mindless left continues on, pontificating about how the “culture of violence” must be stopped, or we must end the “gun culture”, or whatever false, moronic phrase one wishes to insert, I must point out the idiocy and hypocrisy of them, once again.  Does it matter to anyone that the leftists whine and moan about how tragic it is that those 20 children were killed in Connecticut last weekend, yet they push for abortion on demand?  I guess the millions of aborted babies aren’t real or don’t matter.  Don’t forget, these same liberals claim to want to have that “discussion” on gun violence and all that surrounds it . . . cool, let’s talk about it.  How about we talk about arming Mexican drug cartels and letting all of those guns walk across the border and get used in murders (fast and furious)?  How about we talk about this administration running guns into Libya, then we have some of those used on us in Benghazi?  Guns aren’t the problem – it’s the good or evil person that uses it and the purpose for which he uses it.  Back to the moronic liberals – these same people constantly whine about how gun owners are violent criminals (which is a complete lie), yet THEY are the ones who are violent and hateful.  These same people that want to do away with guns (because that will surely end all violence), made multiple calls for NRA leadership and all NRA members to be lined up and shot in the wake of the Newtown tragedy.   Tweets were seen that said the following:


“All NRA members should be shot!!!! I thank you, that’s one of my own!!” – Sam Tarling


“Someone should shoot this motherf***er NRA President David Keene weighs in on 2012 election – Glenn Beck – Michael Mayer (this one doesn’t even make sense . .. I have no idea what he was trying to tie to Beck)


“Solution:  Get every member of the NRA to stand in a circle, aim & shoot!” – Very frustrated Pete


That is a small sample, but you get the idea.  For more, check out this story on the Blaze.  Here’s another one at Townhall.com.


Stay classy, libs.


Here’s the deal, none of this is about stopping any kind of violence.  Of their 2 word phrase (gun control), they’ve got one of them correct:  control.  The left will use any situation to push its agenda at the expense of the situation and those involved.  In this case, they want to disarm American citizens.  Why?  Because then they can have free reign to do what they want without fear of repercussion or uprisings.  This is the exact type of government/tyranny that the 2nd Amendment was intended for in the founders’ masterpiece.  It is to protect us from tyrannical government should the need arise.


By the way, if you want more information on why we should be even more armed (as if all the crime and tyranny aren’t enough) check out this article on how China is jumping on the bandwagon, calling for Americans to be disarmed.  Not only do they want strict gun laws, they twist the truth about crimes to their people, aka propaganda, to push their political agenda and get the reaction they want.   How so?  Much like the liberals do here . . . by misrepresenting facts such as failing to tell people that most of the crimes committed with a gun are in “gun free zones” or in places with very strict gun laws.   Do you think China’s biggest concern is the Connecticut tragedy?  (Answer:  No.)


I don’t want to dwell on that too much here, so let me switch gears a bit.  I know how they can reduce crime and violence.  The solution is easy.  Reduce crime by going after criminals.  Instead of focusing on criminals, they are coming after law abiding citizens and giving criminals free reign.  As I said in my last entry, and as logic dictates, what makes a criminal a criminal is the breaking of the law.  Any legislation means nothing to criminals – only law abiding citizens.  Instead of punishing us and dictating how, where, and when we can protect our own lives, how about going after the dirtbag criminals?!  Get the criminals off the street and enforce the laws that are already in the books.  That will solve the problem!   Done.  Now, to another part of this mess . . .


There was a church shooting several years ago, I think it was 1998 or ’99 at Wedgewood Baptist Church in Ft. Worth, TX.  Some of you may recall that.  I don’t remember all the specifics, but suffice it to say, it was a night where a youth rally was going on at the church, a crazy person walked in and started shooting.  A friend of mine, Shawn Brown, was a youth minister at this rally.  He confronted the shooter and was shot and killed at point blank range.  The criminal took the lives of several others that night, too.  When I heard the news, I was sad and angry at the same time.  At no point did I EVER think that we have a gun problem and that guns need to be taken away.  My thought was, “Why did no one at the church have a gun and stop this lunatic?”  How different would it have been if a law abiding citizen was armed and could have stopped the maniac as soon as he raised his gun?  How many of those lives lost could have been saved had someone been there to stop it.  Instead, when the only armed person is a criminal, the unarmed people can only hope they aren’t the ones getting hit.


Does a gun promote violence?  No and it is absolutely stupid and irresponsible to say that it does.  We’ve gone over this in previous posts.  It’s an issue of evil – of what is in a person’s heart.  Go read the previous post and click the links.  In the meantime, let me share with you what I told someone fairly recently about my own experience.  We were talking about carrying a concealed weapon.  She, jokingly, stated that her husband might not want her carrying anything in case she loses her temper with an idiot.  Again, that was very much in joking and sarcasm.  She is not that kind of person and would not “snap” like that.  As we laughed, I told her my view and said that it actually helps me be more aware and responsible.  Because I am a law abiding citizen and do not want to have any kind of accident that could harm those around me, I am careful about where I go and what I do.  I am friendly in my interactions with people and try to avoid being in places and situations that could be harmful.  I know that a bad move on my part could cost me my right to carry and defend myself against a crazy person and I don’t want to jeopardize that.  So, again, it helps me be more careful, mindful, and responsible while out.  I have never had a violent thought because of gun ownership or concealed carry.  However, it does give me a little more confidence and peace of mind to know that if the unfortunate happens, I have a chance, at the very least.


Here’s my theory:  Most people that are scared of guns and believe that the mere existence of a firearm is the source of violence have never been around any guns.  They’ve never learned about them, never used them, never done anything with them.  They only hold their views based on presumption, intolerance, politics and complete ignorance.  May I challenge any anti-gun liberal who is reading this, find someone you know who is a shooter and allow them to educate you.  Spend some time researching facts about crimes, including those that have been stopped by an armed citizen.  Learn the use of the gun and, by all means, go to a range and learn how to shoot it.  You’ll soon understand the fun of hitting your target and the feel of the gun.  If you don’t like it, fine.  I have no problem with that, but please try to learn and experience what you can so you can have an objective view.  For you gun lovers, perhaps you can find an anti-gun friend or relative to educate.  While this anti-gun spirit is so prevalent right now, start having the discussion with people and educate them on how great, fun, and safe guns are (in the hands of law abiding citizens).   If possible, take them to the range with you.  I am convinced that if you cure the epidemic of ignorance among the left, that might help things a little, too.  My dad is not a collector, but he’s always had some around.   When I was young, he taught me to shoot and taught me gun safety.  I was raised to understand them and to respect them.  I knew where they were “hidden” growing up but never had the urge to play with them and do anything stupid, because I respected them.  However, if anyone were to break in while I was home alone, I knew what to do.   The biggest issue is ignorance.  With education and truth comes understanding and liberty.


By the way, a co-worker sent me this graph the other day.  It sites 3 official sources, but I don’t know where it originated or who did it.  So, I don’t know if it’s 100% accurate.  Whatever the case, feel free to verify it if you want.   I leave you with this for today.   Thanks and go spend some time at the range this weekend!


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